Israelites want a king and to be like other nations being rule and judge over by a king was thier wishes. But God’s plan for them was announced to them by Moses.
You will become to me a kingdom of priests and holy nation. Exodus 19:6. Saul the first king comes from Benjamin Tribe. Later on the king comes from the Tribe of Judah. The priest comes from the Tribe of Levi. There is separation of power. But God’s plan is never to be like other nations. To be his people, unique and reflecting his glory in living in his words or commands is the plan.
King led them away from God and to slavery. Hence JESUS CHRIST was God’s plan to bring them back to his fold. JESUS comes not to kill the law but to fulfil and better it. As believers in JESUS CHRIST, we are called God’s Children and ordained to be a Royal Priesthood! Both king and a priest like Christ himself.
But you are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellence” of the One who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9.
There is power and authority in the King. His word is absolute and no one can go against it. Ecclesiastes 8:4. Further, God appoints the priests to pronounce blessing as well as resolve disputes amongst themselves. Deuteronomy 21:5. As God’s chosen Royal Priesthood: We are given authority and power to pronounce blessings as well as help in resolving disputes and violence around us all through the power that comes from God’s words.
JESUS CHRIST is the words of God in action. He is the Alpha and Omega. The Way, The Truth and The Life to living in the way God desires us is in HIM. Not in leading in our own understanding and desires but in submitting our heart to JESUS CHRIST and in his life can the path to God be found.
From his conception to the Cross and in his resurrection, GOD’S will is evident all through. And JESUS CHRIST promise to come back for his chosen brothers and sisters: His disciples and children of God the FATHER in Heaven.
The WORLD hates him but LOVE is all that HE gave back and in abundance, ever Forgiving! For truly, only God who is the creator of all things, whose power is not dependent on others can stand the humiliation, insults, sufferings and pains heaped on and still be silent knowing victory lies in standing up for the Truth!
In JESUS CHRIST alone we triumph! Walk in his Light and SHINE!
1 Samuel 8. Israelites want a king.
Revelations 5:9-10.