The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, Almighty God yet full of LOVE above all else is the ONE who brought out the Israelites from bondage in Egypt to Freedom and to a land where they eat good fruits for which they have no role at all. Given free all in love. The juicy grapes, the nutritious and beneficial olive fruit none of which has been planted by them. Above it, they inherited the fertile land, houses and cities that were already well established.
Joshua walks with God and clearly sees where all the good things in life has come from. All blessings are from Above.
“I gave you a land that you had never cultivated and cities that you had not build. Now you are living there and eating grapes from vines you did not plant, and olives from trees that you did not plant.” Joshua 24:13.
Yet, God Almighty has no place in thier houses. Foreign gods are placed in thier homes and heart. Therefore, Joshua declared loud and clear: Its not enough to says we will serve the Lord our God who delivered us from all troubles and blessed us in every way but to follow His instructions sincerely and faithfully. Decide for yourself today. Get rid of the gods your ancestors used tp worship in Mesopotamia, Egypt and other gods. As for me and my family we will serve the Lord.
Well, the Lord Almighty God is the ONE who blessed Solomon with wisdom and knowledge, wealth and fame. He was the supreme ruler of all kings of his time. They come to him for his wisdom, showering gift of golds, silvers, spices, horses and many more.
All these comes from the LORD and Solomon was pleased and repaid the LORD with a GRAND TEMPLE like no other. Skill workers comes all the way from Tyre. Cedar, Cypress and Juniper logs comes from Lebanon. Golds and silvers from all over the world. All foreigners in The kingdom were forced labourers. The Temple and the City is All Holiness out of bound for his foreign wives and thier gods.
All these blessings come from the Lord. Yet a misplaced priorities in repaying our PRAISE and Thankfulness.
Hence, God let Hosea speak out: I want your constant love, not your animal sacrifices. I would rather have my people know me than burnt Offerings to me. Hosea 6:6.
GOD’S final answer is JESUS CHRIST: The Way, The Truth and The Life to living in God’s mercy and HIS presence. A gift from beginning to end. Undeserved, unearned, unmeritted. We are called God’s Children and counted Righteous all because of the finished works of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us set everything else aside and put our Trust and believe in him alone.
The other day I feel truly blessed. I was gifted Jam and Sweet Potatoes (Roots), Sugarcane, Sheh (Big fruit family of citrus) and 2000 and 500 new notes. All of them reminds me of God’s abundant blessings. The roots remind me of the Garlics of Egypt. The sugarcane and the Sheh reminds me of the honey and giant grapes of Canaan and the new notes remind of the Kings and rulers of the world. Powerful and mighty as they are but they all bow to the will of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. TRULY BLESSED YET we very often are blown away into seeing things other than God’s blessings and crying our heart out in misery and pains.
Come to JESUS CHRIST and see your true blessings!
Joshua speak to the people at Shechem. Joshua 24. King Solomon’s Wealth. 2 Chronicles 9:13-28.