
Pains and bitterness are part of our daily life. We get hurt the most when the person whom we loved and valued most are involved. Feeling betrayed but could not come to term with the reality of it. Lost of job, loved one, hurtful jibes and humiliation of one’s ego are just a few of the pains and sufferings that squeezed our peace of mind and happiness from our life. The memories and bitterness linger on robbing us of our sleeps and emotional balance in life.

These hurtful feelings and emotions are like sins that keep us away from God and blocking us off from all blessing and happiness that flows from him. What can takes us back to our joy and happiness. The answer lies in FORGIVENESS. In the old testament days, bull is sacrificed as an atonement to sin. Today, JESUS CHRIST is our sacrificial Lamb: In HIM we are counted clean and righteous. Letting all our sins and shame including our pains and hurtful feelings to HIM will unlock the healing touches in us.

JESUS CHRIST death at the Cross is our sacrificial Lamb once and for all time. Our sins, our shame, our pains and sufferings he readily forgives and remembered them no more. What Christ does for us; we too can do so in his name and in letting go our pains and sufferings. This will eventually lead us to regaining back our lost happiness and joy of life.

Sacrifice a bull each day as a sin offering to make atonement. Purify the altar by making atonement for it, and anoint it to consecrate it. Exodus 29:36.

How many times do we have to forgive. Peter has raised the same question to which Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times?”Matthew 18:22. Meaning, we have to keep on forgiving. Sin and God can not stay together. JESUS CHRIST is our righteousness and He himself has shown us the path. At the Cross Jesus cried out:
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34.

My pains and sufferings or my sins and shames are too big and getting forgiveness is not possible. It’s too late to go to Christ? Is this so! My dear friends! Turning to God is never too late. Now is the right time. Remember the two criminals who are nailed to the Cross. One condemned and mocked at Jesus but was rebuked by the other criminal who sees his own death being a just one for his crime. JESUS did no sin but was punished for no crime. Turning to him He said “JESUS, remember me when you come to your kingdom.”

The assuring words of JESUS CHRIST still holds today and will stand so till the days of his coming back to bring all believers to Heaven. “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32.

We carry alot of unpleasant memories, hurtful feelings and hatred for peoples and places that badly bleaded and mauled us to a living wreak and an emotionally drained and drenched being. The spirit of forgiveness can bring in healing. Christ has done it at the Cross for us. Our sins and shame not only forgiven but remembered no more. Letting it go in the name of JESUS CHRIST and resting in his love and mercy will lead us to peace of mind and joyfulness back to our life. Trust in the Lord and let your victorious life be a testimony for others going through the pains to see Christ in you.

The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. Mathew 18:21-35. The Crucifixion. Luke 23:26-43.

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