Is your god confined and unable to cross the barriers of your comfort Zone. You love your family, village, tribe, church, your freedom etc and so long as the confluence merged the better and the stronger is your faith in your god. All is well within, God is great and deserved our utmost praise and worship. Yet, when things turn bad, God become non existent. Well, if the above is your believe it’s time to have a re look in your Faith.
God Almighty is LOVE and Forgiveness and we are all created in his own image and likeness. To break barriers and walls of hatred, divisiveness, selfishness, lust, greed, and all other seeds and sins shown in disobedience against God. That’s what God symbolizes!
In JESUS CHRIST we have redemption through HIS blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. Ephesians 1:7. Christ come for all with God’s LOVE not confined and bounded. It is our very own sinful nature that confine him up!
Now that we have been put right with God through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord JESUS CHRIST. Romans 5:1. Our faith in Jesus as God’s free gift of his ever gracious LOVE despite of all our sins and inequities will open up God’s true nature to us: LOVE and a Forgiving Spirit out to heal, bless, preserve, protect and lead you from strength to strength.
Christ was without sin, but for our sake God made him share our sin in order that in union with him we might share the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21. Christ took all our sins, shames, fears, sickness, sufferings and put an end to it all at the Cross with LOVE declaring it as finished! Forgiven and no longer remembered. We are counted Righteous. It is this Message of GOD’S LOVE and Forgiveness to us which we need to pass it on to others within and beyond our comfort Zone.
Do not expect to do it on your own strength. Remember the free gift of your Faith in God Almighty through JESUS CHRIST the son and his promise of the counselor the HOLY SPIRIT. Rest in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, the free gift and the ever present helper the spirit. Speak it out and live it out in LOVE and Forgiveness breaking up barriers and walls all around marching forward in VICTORY in humility and in submission to the the will of the Lord JESUS CHRIST through whom we are all addressed as Children of God and a kingdom of PRIESTS for his GLORY.
JESUS CHRIST is beyond family, tribe, nations, religions! Come and be free from the clutches of Satan the EVIL one!
The Suffering Servant. Isaiah 52:13 to 53:12.