O Jerusalem! Jesus weeps for you!

The recent UNESCO ruling denying the long age old historical and cherished link of Jewish heritage on Temple Mount and the Wailing Wall by referring them with its Islamic name Al-Buraq Plaza only hurts and pains those who stands for the truth and impartiality. What the Muslims referred as Al-Haraam-Al-Sharif or the Noble Sanctuary is The Mount Temple to the Jews: Its holiest place, the third for the Muslims after Mecca and Madina in Saudi Arabia. The ruling outraged Israel so much that it cut off funding of the agency terming it as a bias ruling calling it an anti-Semitic to that extent.

Well, JESUS CHRIST too was pained by what happened at the Temple Mount and to Jerusalem: weeping for it! God’s temple is a house of prayer but it has been turned into a den of thieves. Luke 19:16. Standing up for the Temple of God but the priests and the ruling bodies of the day looked at Him with contempt and in fact crucified him to the Cross. Herod and Pilate declared Him innocent yet the voices of the day was ‘To the Cross, to the Cross and death is all we want.’ And they have it thier way.

JESUS CHRIST laid the foundation. Rejected but a cornerstone establishing that ‘We are the temple of God ourself.’ “It is written in the Scriptures that God said, “My temple will be called a house of prayer.’But you have turned it into a hideout for thieves.” Luke 19:16. Are we praying and living up to his words or are we making that temple as den of thieves! A place where haggling and bidding goes to the highest bidders. God has no place in it. We are running after money, power, pleasures and the sick, the needy and the helpless are trample on and neglected, unheeded and unheard! Justice goes to the dog!

LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and loving your neighbors is the end to loving God: Maker of the heaven and the earth. We all are his creation in HIS own image and likeness. To reign over all creations and to glorify HIM is the plan. Satan is the enemy: Hatred and division using deception, lying and Pride as a weapon. The end is Satan whom JESUS CHRIST has made an irrelevant and a footstool is making you as slave to him and to things. Crawling in the dust.

You want Jerusalem. Then submit yourself first to JESUS CHRIST. Let him reign in your LIFE. We don’t fight like the world and Satan does. We live in the words of God. Destruction comes when one doesn’t heed to the words of God our creator. JESUS said “Destroy this temple and in three days it will be rebuild.” In his death at the Cross and in his resurrection he showed it all. Are we going to ignore it again and again. The end is near. Come to your sense and see the hand of God.

The suffering Servant of Isaiah 52, 53 and other passages of the Old Testament referring to the Messiah is fulfilled in JESUS CHRIST. Weeping for Jerusalem and for all humanity. Fight is what Satan does. Babel is his weapon. Al-Aqsa Mosque including the Golden Dome of Rock or Al-Haraam-Al-Sharif in Arabic for the Noble Sanctuary, The temple Mount all in the Old city of Jerusalem are holiest place of pilgrimage for the Muslims, the Jews and to Christians. Fighting for it leads to destruction and into the hands of Satan the EVIL one. Salvation lies in surrendering your life to JESUS CHRIST. You and I are GOD’S TEMPLE! To shine and be a light so that no one goes in darkness and stumble in life is JESUS CHRIST message. Not to kill but to be kill if the need arise so that his truth and loves stands ever.

JESUS weeps over Jerusalem. Luke 19:41-44. Servant of God.1 Corinthians 3.

Thr call is to be catcher of men!

Fishing all night, fully exhausted more so as thier night long toil and Labour come to naught. Empty with no fish on hand yet cleaning up thier nets Jesus blow in a refreshing changes. Sitting in thier boat flapping rhymatically with the tides words of God calms the crowd bringing peace and blessings in plenty.

To Simon and friends James and John, sons of Zebedee: “Pull deeper to the sea and cast your nets down for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we have worked hard all night long catching Nothing. But as you say so, I will let down the nets.” And lo! What a net breaking catches it has been! Thier partners joined them. Both boats are filled with so full of fishes, they looks like sinking.

Only God can do it. Simon Peter recognize it well. On his knees and to JESUS, “Go away from me, Lord! I am a sinful man!”
God is HOLY. When one sees God, one sees one’s own sinfulness and shortcomings.

God is also LOVE. JESUS said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” Seeing God ring in net breaking rewards and blessings! Yet leaving all asides, Simon Peter, James and John, sons of Jebedee follows JESUS! For they know that in working for Jesus and in catching men for HIM the net breaking fishes will comes along!

Peter sees it rightly declaring to JESUS: “You are the Christ, the Messiah!” But then, the very next moment Jesus rebuked him, “Satan! Go away from me.” God’s purposes in JESUS is to died at the Cross for us SINNER to have life. Peter wanted to prevent Jesus from going through the pains of death and from his mission, hence the scolding.

On the night of trials, three times Peter denied Jesus. The Rooster crows and Peter break down. All he can do is cried. Remembering Jesus word for words! Oh, what has becomes of me!

What went wrong then? Jesus is crucified at the Cross. Peter and friends are off back to fishing in the sea. Toiling and labouring hard all night but with no catches. Empty net, empty boat and an empty mind. Nothing seems to work fine! From the shore Jesus call out “Throw your nets on the other sides of the boat.” They did and what a catches it has been. John said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” And off goes Peter wrapping his clothes around and walking towards the Lord. The others followed pulling the nets full of fishes.

And in the shore is JESUS with bread and fishes and fire burning. “Bring some of the fishes you just caught.” Peter pull the net with full of fishes. A hundred and fifty three big fishes yet the net did not break! JESUS then call out to them and said “Come and eat.” None came for they all know it was the Lord. So JESUS went over and gave them the bread as well as the fishes.

This was the third times JESUS has appeared to his disciples after his death at the Cross. Seeing and knowing and living in Christ, net full of fishes is the PROMISES! Let Christ lives in you. Your net will not tears. The fishes will neither leave you. Catching men is your commission: Tending to your needs is God’s headaches. Leaves the worries to him! He will take care and He will do it well beyond your expectations and ways beyond your imaginations!

JESUS asked Peter as well as all of us not only once but again and again. “Do you love me.” If so then, “take care of my lambs!” Peter look BACK to his past and responded “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you!”

“Follow me!”

Well friends! JESUS CHRIST knows everything. Call to him and see for yourself where you stand. Are you catching men or are you still in the sea catching fish! Not a net breaking fishes but a net full of fishes is God’s PROMISES if we tend to what we are called into being FISHERS OF MEN!

Jesus Calls the first disciples. Luke 5:1-11. Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples and Jesus and Peter. John 21:1-19.

God my providence!

Yehovah Zireh!

Abraham was over 100 years and looking at his son Issac, he sees God’s promise being fulfilled. Through him, his seeds will be like the stars in the sky and the sands in the ground. From Abram to Abraham: Father of many. Happy and content with his life, looking at Sarah he must be breaking into a song: Sare jeha se accha! All is well. My cup overflows!

Well, not really! God says, Abraham, Abraham! Take your beloved son, Issac and make a sacrifice to me. With a heavy heart but knowing who God is, Abraham slowly but steadily move forward towards Mount Moriah. Trudging up and up nearer to the peak deep in thoughts what next? Father! His son’s calling bring him back to reality!

We have the firewood but where is the sacrificial lamb? With tears welling up in the eyes but looking away and with a piercing pains in the heart. “My son, Our God Almighty will provide the needful.” Confused and perplexed, Issac hurried up silently carrying his load wishing if he can be of greater help to his father!

All set and ready. With Issac as the sacrificial lamb. Abraham raised his hand with the Knife in the air. GOD’S voices bloom! Abraham, Abraham! Stop with your action and look behind. And Lo! Lock in the bushes is a Lamb! Truly, Yehovah Zireh! God is our providence!

All things great and small, God created all. Sacrifice after sacrifices, he does not long nor want. A clean heart and a contrite spirit is what he look for in us. JESUS CHRIST is His sacrificial Lamb. At the Cross He died once and for all time for our sins. Repent and put your trust in HIM, salvation and righteousness is the assurance!

God is HOLY and can not stand with SINNER! JESUS CHRIST is GOD’S plan for the salvation of mankind. He is God and HOLY but in human form. He has no sin but lives amongst sinners. Whenever SINNER surrendered to him, he becomes righteous. That’s the power of JESUS CHRIST.

At the Gate called JESUS CHRIST!
The lame limped in but walks and jumps;
The blind entered and he sees the light;
The leprous get healed, isolated no more;
Unclean transforms into clean and pure;
Sinners becomes righteous singing praise!
Walking tall in Truth and shining ever;
That’s what JESUS CHRIST will do to you; Come and be free from slavery of doubt!

JESUS CHRIST is our Yehovah Zireh!

Chosen to be holy, sharing his love!

God speak out and creations unfolded. That spoken word is none other than JESUS CHRIST. He precedes creations, is in creation and will remain so when creation is dissolved. Jesus is GOD’S words in action!

GOD breathe in his spirit to Adam and he came into life. Eve was given to him to be a companion and to complement him in all his walks of life. She is a rib transforms into one of his own to be loved and care for and to grow together in joyfulness and in gladness ever in God’s word!

And the command of God is plain, simple and clear. Eden is full of plants, animals with four rivers watering the garden of joy and happiness all the year round. Eat and be merry with all things except the one in the middle: the tree of knowledge of good and bad.

Eve look at the fruit of that forbidden tree. To eat is all in her eyes; Satan in snake ekes her on. Eat and death, never! You will be one like God and be wise. She ate. She let Adam eat too. And together they find themselves in nakedness. Bared and in shame chased out of Eden! Devoid of God’s spirit: Darkness envelops them. The EVIL spirit blinded them, leading to ever deepening pits of confusion and destruction!

But all is not lost forever. GOD is LOVE and ever merciful. Cain is a farmer and Abel a shepherd. Abel’s offering of a lamb the first born of his sheep pleased God. Out of jealousy and in anger, Cain killed Abel. The blood of Abel cried out to the Lord! God can not stand injustice. He long and care for the weak, the poor and the needy.

The wickedness of mankind reaches heaven! And destruction comes in the form of flood with only Noah and family surviving it.

Abraham was a God fearing and an obedient man. What God instructed Abraham fulfilled it. His faith in God is unshakeable. Abraham believes God and his Faith is credited to him as his righteousness. Romans 4:3. And through him comes the Israelites, God’s chosen people who will spread the Light of God to all mankind. And that journey is fulfilled in JESUS CHRIST.

Even before the world was made, God had already chosen us to be his through our union with Christ, so that we would be holy and without fault before him. Ephesians 1:4.

Man is created by God in his own image and likeness to carry his spirit. Living in joyfulness ever and to glorify HIM is the purpose. Disobedience spoils that plan. Eve comes from man’s rib. In Ezekiel, when God’s spirit comes into contact with the bones they springs to lives. Singing praises and glorifying God. That’s what our purposes in life is. We can have that lives of joy and happiness in Eden BACK by surrendering our life to JESUS CHRIST. The Spirit that hovers before creations, that spirit that God breathe into Adam, the rib from which Eve comes into being; the spirit that descended to JESUS as dove at Jordan and the Holy Spirit that descended on the 3000 on Pentecost day is none other than JESUS CHRIST.

JESUS CHRIST is the Alpha and Omega. The first and the last. The same yesterday, today and forever. GOD Almighty is full of LOVE and Forgiveness! JESUS CHRIST is His words put into action for us humanity who can no longer see what is good for us. JESUS CHRIST shows us the WAY to the TRUTH and to LIFE in real life. Come to him and be SAVE!

Loved the way you are!

I am born and brought up in a Christian family. Being born again is what i have been feeded from a very young age. Believe that Jesus Christ is Son of God and that at the Cross he paid all the price for my redemption. He died and rose again, over coming death the wages of sin and Satan power. God’s grace is what i proclaims but some how true happiness seems to be missing in my life. A lingering self doubt kept troubling my mind.

In the back of my mind, my sins kept coming back. Pointing an accusing finger “you are not God’s child, come on forget leading a good life and live on in sins.” Peace of mind is missing in my life. After discussing my dilemma with a God sent Servant my eye’s open up and helps me in seeing God’s true LOVE and GRACE and FORGIVENESS that changed me to a truly RIGHTEOUS PERSON all because of what JESUS CHRIST has done for me at the Cross.

What ever be my sins JESUS CHRIST declared that I am his beloved and that my past is forgiven and remember no more. Hebrews 10:17. His commands is to spread or pass on the GOOD NEWS of his salvation. I can pass on the GOOD NEWS only if I take that message first. GOD LOVE ME and his LOVE is COMPLETE only when I forgive myself in Believing in JESUS CHRIST deed of LOVE for me at the Cross. Christ died for my sins. What I live now I live in CHRIST. Peace reign in, LIFE become easy and simple for CHRIST have done it all for me!

Is your life one struggle after another and full of complications. JESUS CHRIST has the solution to your life. He is GOD’S Almighty plan for your life. For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son and that whosoever believed in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 is the promise!

Come to the love and grace of JESUS CHRIST. And find your purpose in life in HIM. Turn to the Holy Bible which is his words. The Holy Spirit is his promise. He will lead you into the Truth and deliverance from all doubts of life and questions dancing recklessly, restless and that too endlessly. Stop tormenting yourself and take in the LOVE of God and JESUS CHRIST in your life.

JESUS CHRIST overcomes the WORLD. In HIM you can lead a victorious LIFE of joy and happiness. Remember: your past is not what he is interested. To give you life and that too to the fullest and in abundance is the promise. Come and live a new LIFE in HIM.

For the sake of his holy name!

The Israelites calling is: ‘To be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation’ for GOD Almighty. Exodus 19:6.

Consecrate yourselves and be holy because I am GOD and I am HOLY. Leviticus 11:44.

“Do not profane my holy name. I must be acknowledged as holy by the Israelites. I am the Lord who makes you holy, and brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord. “Leviticus 22:32-33.

He provided redemption for his people; he ordained his covenant forever -holy and awesome is his name. Psalms 111:9.

“Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: It is not for your sake, O house of Israel, that I am going to do these things, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations where you have gone.” Ezekiel 36:22.

We are urged to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.
Romans 12:1.

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was, and is, and is to come.” Revelations 4:8. God the Father is HOLY; JESUS CHRIST God the Son is HOLY; God the Holy Spirit is HOLY.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26.

We are chosen people, royal priesthood, a holy nation, belonging to God. Called out from darkness to Light. To sing praises and glorify HIM and spread the Good News is our purpose in life. 1 Peter 2:9.

“You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seal, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God fromevery tribe and language and people and nation.” Revelations 5:9.

JESUS CHRIST is the NAME that changes people and nations all over the world. Transforming the proud and mighty to Humbleness and in Servitude in the service of spreading GOD’S Mercy, kindness and Grace. He is HOLY and want us to live a HOLY life too. In JESUS CHRIST we are counted righteous and HOLY. Grace and not deed or the Law is where our salvation lies.

Isreal is GOD’S chosen but have failed to which it has been called into to be a HOLY nation for God. Moses law written in stone has hardened thier heart; proud and stiff-necked ever neglecting, rejecting and profaning JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God, who is HOLY and sinless. Whose perfect and HOLY sacrifice complete GOD Almighty’s Plan for the salvation of humanity lost to sin and death. JESUS CHRIST is the HOLY NAME of God Almighty.

Israel’s synagogue of God has turn themselves into a synagogue of Satan. Pride in being the chosen one and the stone tablet has blinded them into over looking JESUS CHRIST or Jeshua Messiah the HOLY NAME of God.

A group of people Chin Kuki Mizo who are chosen in CHRIST are mistakenly taken into believing they are Jews and into forsaking and profaning the name of Jesus Christ and into Israel. Blinded into being Jews though they are not Jews. They are all LIARS and into synagogue of Satan. Revelations 2:9 & 3:9.

This message is not anti-Semitism or hatred for the Jews or Israel nor dislike for those who claimed to be Jews but are not. The LIARS who forsake JESUS CHRIST the true Messiah. You are all gathered into Israel so that your heart like stone and believe that the Law will set you free can be changed into a heart of Humbleness and servitude in JESUS CHRIST the name you have forsaken and abandon in ignorance.

You have not only murdered JESUS the Messiah but profaned his Precious Name. But God Almighty full of mercy and kindness; He who lives forever; whose name is holy; who lives in high and holy place but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit. To revive and strengthen them. Isaiah 57:15. JESUS CHRIST is the NAME. He is HOLY. Repent and Surrender to JESUS CHRIST: Your heart of Stone and full of Pride will be transformed to a new heart where in the Holy Spirit of God will reign in. Holy and righteous in the sight of God.

JESUS CHRIST was, is and and is to come. Who is the same yesterday, today and forever, the alpha and Omega is saying the end times is approaching fast. If in CHRIST continue to be steadfast and be firm in your faith. If not in CHRIST, now is the time to act and be SAVE. Do not delay it any further. Accept JESUS CHRIST the HOLY NAME of God Almighty.

We are saved in the HOLY NAME of JESUS CHRIST son of God. SALVATION is not because one is a Jews nor because we have traced our root to Israel by being accepted as the Lost Tribe of Mannaseh.

A prophecy to the Mountains of Israel. Ezekiel 36. The Scroll and the Lamb. Revelations 5.

Anointed with oils, my cup runs over!

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Psalms 23:5.

JESUS is our High Priest, He is HOLY. No fault and sin is in HIM. Set apart and raised to heaven after making one perfect sacrifice of himself at the Cross once and for all time.

JESUS laid a table with bread and wine. With open arms inviting us to join HIM. He offers us foods and drinks that will give us eternal LIFE. No longer to be hungry and thirsty again. Unceasing and an abundance nourishment is his promise.

The bread and wine of the world are temporal and last for a moment. Be conscious of the love and grace that JESUS CHRIST represents. Freedom from slavery under Satan is his vision for you. Do not ignore and continue to be binded and blinded by the Egypt in you. Beyond Canaan, a New Eden is the PROMISE.

JESUS CHRIST is the rejected stone that is but our Foundation. At the Cross, he open up a gate for our salvation and blessings. In HIM we can always declare a joyful and victorious LIFE what ever our circumstances be. In suffering and in happiness; in poverty and in plenty; with Christ we rejoice with PRAISE. For he has anointed us with oils, my cup over flows!

Take JESUS CHRIST into your life. Let him give you a new heart. The Holy Spirit will guide you into new understanding. No longer tossed around in the wind nor the storm. Always standing firmly in the blessed assurance of his grace and salvation. The devil will points his finger not once but again and again but our Almighty God anointed you with oils and counted you Righteous in the Name of JESUS CHRIST his Son. Not once but at all TIME.

Come and join JESUS CHRIST. The table is set. The bread and the wine are ready. Come take your place and be counted as Righteous. Let your cup be open up so that it can fill to the brim again and again and again in the blessed Name of our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

Giving Thanks to the Lord for his love endures. Psalms 118. JESUS our High Priest. Hebrews 7 & 8.

Trump Triumphed!

I am not an American citizen. I am a Kuki, belong to India but in the mainland we are asked: which country you come from? Manipur is my state: The CM promise a Carrot but delivered a stick! The other hated us, we ourselves are confused into believing we are exclusively Zomi, Mizo, Chin and what not ignoring the rest who does not parroted my pet believe.

Babel comes and confusion reign. In my land, there is no Babel, perhaps we are confusion itself. Unknown, insignificant, ignored, uncalled and trampled upon everywhere. Yet here I am, deeply engrossed in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’S Presidential Election. Hillary was leading all the way from the start only to be bypassed at the podium: Donald Trump is the WINNER! The 45th designated President announced: Come let us all forget the hard fought election. UNITED let us stand. I will be the President for all. A refreshing change from the venom that he spews out everywhere he opened his mouth during the campaign.

The world is stunned! Hillary must be stumped. She never came out. Her followers devastated! Pained and silenced by the reality! Life hurts. But LOVE heals!

Everything American does, the world look at it in awe and for inspiration and longing with tinge of disbelief! Well, you have out did it all this time. Hope it is for the better. Let the American dream continue to roll and bring cheers for the WINNER and the VANQUISHED alike and for the rest of the WORLD too. Love you AMERICA.

Well Donald Trump was hated, ignored and uncounted right from the word GO! At least that’s what I read, see and hear from the world. A womanizer. Uncultured. Inhuman. Full of hatred. A loose cannon that fires out and in: directionless!

Yet at the finishing line Trump came out smiling and Triumphant! I sees GOD’S LOVE shining through. GOD LOVE you and me irrespective of what we are and what we believe!

As the scripture says, “I have made you father of many nations.” So the promise is good in the sight of God, in whom Abraham believed-the God who bring the dead to life and whose command bring into being what did not exist.

Abraham believed God Almighty and was counted Righteous. We believers in JESUS CHRIST are also counted Righteous and are his seeds. Galatians 3:29. We are children of God in CHRIST. What we are is not important. How God sees us is what count. GOD is LOVE and he see us as his lost child. To bring you back to HIM and nurture you back to glory is his plan for you.

Stop looking at yourself from what the world sees you. Stop letting Satan decides where you go and how you spend your life. Look to the Cross and the way to victory is to surrender to God. Father, my wishes is for you to take away my cup of cross from me. But not my way but your will. In JESUS CHRIST lies our victory.

All nations will be blessed!

500 and 1000, I announced are no longer legal tender notes! Declared our honourable PM, Narendra Modi. And Overnight, they are stripped of thier place of pride in our purse. Confusion reign everywhere, from the ATM in the streets to Ruling opposition in the states. Mamata di to Mulayamji, Rahul in the crowd to Arvind shopping for his muffler all were caught off guard. With one clever master stroke Goons and the Dadagiris who flexed thier paper gandhiji muscles for thier own dark and selfish end bites the dust rueing thier fate of destiny.

However, the real sufferers visible so far is the common men and not the con men!

I saw our PM, Suited and booted in black. Grand and elegant with his silvery white hairs and beards. Flight of red carpet steps effortlessly he takes on his way to Japan leaving all the worries and confusions for lesser mortal like us. He is on his mission to make India Great.

He once was a chaiwala. Well, I truly admire him. He exudes not only confidence but glides like James Bond. Only the gun is missing in action. He clean up our streets and home. Now he clean up our dark alleys and corridors who wield power indirectly and call the shots. I only WISH, Rahul, Arvind and Narendra Bhai all comes together and take India where peace reign and justice for all flourish!

I visualise Modi Suited and booted, Rahul with his snow white kulta and Arvind with his muffler all three hand in hand, arm in arm singing happily together in the Himalayas “All for one, one for all, let’s make India Great.” Mamata didi, Jayalalita Ama the Thalaivi and Sonia di mama all smiles and cheers humming the tunes in unison and with zeal.

Far fetching dream yet all is not impossible. For JESUS CHRIST has paved the way forward for peace and true happiness! It’s not in living for your selfish dream of taking the Kulshi of your choice and leaving the rest dry and in pain and penury.

JESUS CHRIST died at the Cross so that you and I can have a place in the Kingdom of God. Shedding his blood for us so that our sins that keep us away from God was washed once and for all. Heaven’s door is open wide through Him. Salvation is at hand.

To rule is what the world is after as such our Namo, Raga, Ama, Didi, Digi and Arvind can never see eye to eye. What the other do however great, clapping the hand is not the outcome but stomping the foot is enatched and followed! How will peace come in such an atmosphere of hatred and violence.

The people following Jesus want to crown him King but he slips away. To set up the Kingdom of God was his mission. To sacrifice his LIFE open up the way to God. His ways is God’s way. In Losing his identity, God’s identity is established! To be one in God is the purpose for which humanity come first in to existence. Knowing God is living in peace and in complete joy And happiness with yourself and with the rest of humanity and with all creations.

The God of Abraham, the Father of Israel (Issac and then Jacob) is the ONE and only GOD creator of the heaven and the earth and all things including you And I. “And through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.” Genesis 22:18. The plan is for all mankind. We surrender our identity to God. He will set us free from our bondage of sin the seed of Satan and disobedience.

I will make you a light for the Gentiles, that you might bring salvation to the ends of the earth. Isaiah 49:6. Judah’ s desires or longing for Political greatness obscured thier original calling. Today, everyone long and run after our own idea for greatness and happiness. Trampling the other to dust so long as our goal is well align. Chao, confusion, distrust and destruction is the end result not joy and happiness.

JESUS CHRIST want to make you soar high like an eagle yet not be weary. Not to just walk in self pity but to run and be in full GLORY is the purpose for which God our FATHER has meant us to be. In peace with oneself and with the rest of humanity. Not to fight for one hot seat or Kulshi but a mansion where there is a place for everyone.

All authority in heaven and earth has been given to JESUS CHRIST and his commands to us is: Go spread the GOOD NEWS heaven’s door is open for all. God is with us all starting from our very own life in the earth. Come find your happiness.
Mathew 28:18.

Abraham tested. Genesis 22.

Love one another!


Are you worried and upset! Most Americans are upset right now because Trump has come out triumphant! In India, we are troubled and worried because our 500 and 1000 notes becomes useless overnight. In queue or not; in the stage or not; black or not; argument fly thick and fast….Settling down will takes times! We all have one or the other thing troubling us and giving us sleepless night and day.

Well, when Jesus said there are many rooms in my Father’s house his disciples were a confused lots. Who is your Father? Where are you going? And what will happen to us? After leaving everything to follow Jesus and now to be left at the CROSS ROAD! WHAT, HOW AND THE WHY? Question after question floats!

JESUS CHRIST answer to all their queries and troubled mind is simple: “Do not be worried and upset.” Just “Believe in God and also in me.” I am going there to prepare a place for you and that he is coming back to take us. Our assignments till then. Go spread the GOOD NEWS.

God the Father and I are one and the same. You believe in me then you too are ONE with God and in me. And the Holy Spirit which will descend after I ascended will lead you into full knowledge and understanding of the Truth and unity of GOD the Father, JESUS CHRIST the Son and the working of the HOLY SPIRIT.

“Whoever accepts my commandments and obeys them is the ONE who loves me. My father will love whoever loves me; I too will love him and reveal myself to him.” John 14:21.

We know that the son of God has come and given us understanding, so that we know the true God. We live in union with the true God – in union with his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and this is eternal life. 1 John 5:21.

Obedience to God the Father led him to the Cross. Dying for us sinners so that we can be reconciled with God our creator. JESUS CHRIST the Son fulfilled his Father’s mission and has rested at HIS right hand ever a life for our joy, happiness and glory.

Stephen the first martyred for CHRIST full of the HOLY SPIRIT declares, “Look! I see heaven opened and the Son of Man standing at the right-hand side of God.” Acts 7:56. God is LOVE. JESUS CHRIST LOVE us and always stand up for us. The Holy Spirit LOVE us and always stand for the Truth.

The God of the universe, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is ONE and the only ONE true God. JESUS is th Son, the Christ, the Promised messiah. The Holy Spirit is the Promised counselor: God with us always. I am in the Father and the Father is in me. As believers in JESUS CHRIST we too are in JESUS and in God. And his commands: Love one another as I love you.

To be ONE in Christ and with God and that’s the work of the HOLY SPIRIT.

We fight, redicules, we air our pet ideas as the Truth. Pride rules. Hatred rules. Greed rules. Money rules. If anything’s becomes greater than the ONE and only GOD who created us something is rotten and truly wrong.

Listen to the voice of God the HOLY SPIRIT and to the words of God in the Bible and let GOD’S LOVE shines out brightly.

Israel has stick to Sabbath and the stone Tablets. Becoming a stumbling block to seeing and hearing the voices of God. JESUS CHRIST is GOD’S word in action. In HIM lies our salvation and joy and happiness. In God’s GLORY lies our glory and fulfillment. JESUS CHRIST is the Way, the Truth and the LIFE.

Come! Is JESUS CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT sincere and loving call! We believers in Christ too must stop our disagreements and speak out in unison Come! LORD JESUS!

Obedience to the last and in LOVE.

JESUS the way to the Father and the promise of the HOLY SPIRIT. John 14.